A Blast From The Past

Identification is not my expertice. This caterpillar may turn into either a Death head Hawk Moth or an Atlas Moth
Shot with a Fujifilm S4200

This shot was taken in 2014 using a Fujifilm Super zoom S4200 bridge camera. I'm posting this shot to let everyone know that top of the line multi thousand dollar camera and lens combinations are not needed to catch some excellent close-up shots of bugs and such.

This was shot in JPEG and processed in Gimp. For a certainty if I saw a similar situation tomorrow with my new gear it would be a very different shot. More detail and a nicer background because of the Tamron 90mm 272E. A finer post processing because of shooting in Raw and processing in Capture 1 Sony Pro.

But the greater possibilities of the more expensive gear does not take away from the pleasure I had using the S4200. So if you have a desire to explore the world with a camera there's a world of joy and pleasure in starting with an inexpensive camera.

