Reality Cheque: Yes Cheque As In 'Time To Pay The Piper'

We were formed from the dust of the stars. We are a part of The One. You may call The One Allah, or God or The One. All that matters is that we recognize that we are the created not the Creator and that we were created to serve.
We are all a part of The One.

There comes a time for all of us when we must pay for our choices. I am not invoking heaven or hell. Just the simple truth that our choices create our life.
time and tide wait for no one
Priorities drive people. Some choose to serve themselves. The coxcomb in the White House being the penultimate example of self serving.  Others choose service to God or nation. John McCain is a good example of one who chose service to others.

Like most people I fall somewhere between the aforementioned pair. Just where, I leave to others to decide. I do know that I am approaching the end of my time in this life. I also know that I want this time to be a time of serving others. The only question is just how do I maximize my service. Seems to me that blogging is one way. So I'll be taking what I have learned in almost seventy years, the good, the bad and the ugly and
Where we place our eyes and our thoughts is where our heart will follow. you can choose to seek out beauty, wisdom and compassion. Or you can choose to seek out ugliness, filth an death.
seeking beauty is a worthy endevour
sharing it here. 

Lady Wisdom will be found within this blog. Prophets and sages will make appearances. The wisdom and compassion that have been handed down to me by Chiefs, Elders, Matriarchs and Patriarchs will also be found within theses posts. 

To give honor where honor is due M'Lady must also be mentioned. For going on thirty years she has helped me to be better than I would have been without her. 

I hope and pray that the Piper finds my payment adequate and that you find my payment helpful.



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