Whose Been a Naughty Boy? Facebook Thinks I Have

A week or so ago I created a FB account. A few days ago they cut my access to my account because of as they put it 'unusual activity'. Yesterday I found out my account had been shut down permanently because I had been a naughty boy.   As I only posted close-up/macro bug and flower shots I'm pretty sure I didn't break any rules in that area.    I may have posted a few political comments about voting come November against Trump. But nothing suggesting violence against the Emperor.   I have no idea why they shut me down.    I did make an official protest.    Maybe they reverse their decision.   Brian
Do I look like someone who would break FB protocal?

A week or so ago I created a FB account. A few days ago they cut my access to my account because of as they put it 'unusual activity'. Yesterday I found out my account had been shut down permanently because I had been a naughty boy.

As I only posted close-up/macro bug and flower shots I'm pretty sure I didn't break any rules in that area.

I may have posted a few political comments about voting come November against Trump. But nothing suggesting violence against the Emperor.

I have no idea why they shut me down.

I did make an official protest.

Maybe? they reverse their decision.



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