Jewish Mysticism: The Creation ~ Wisdom Kindness Mercy

Rav Zutra bar Tuvia said in the name of Rav: “The Universe was created with ten elements: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, strength, admonition, mightiness, justice, right, kindness and mercy(Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Haggigah 12a)

 What possible connection is there between a caterpillar and the words said in the name of Rav? I'm glad you asked. 

Perhaps it's that unless we show kindness and mercy to all of creation this little beasty and many others will be exterminated.

Then again if anyone took the time to study this image they just might develop some understanding and knowledge.

Macro photography has taken me on an amazing journey into a hitherto unseen and unknown universe. In time, if I live to an exceptionally ripe old age I may find myself approaching the Gates of Wisdom. Believe me when I say that if I can move towards Wisdom anyone can.



The greatest wisdom of all is kindness
The greatest wisdom of all is kindness
The greatest wisdom of all is kindness
The greatest wisdom of all is kindness


Love it ... been a bit crazy on this side of the pond....
I expect it will get a whole bunch crazier. Keep your head down and your gas tank filled up.