Riches Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

"With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.
My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.
I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full."


Those of us who live in the west live in what I have come to think of as the 'Toys Are Us' culture. A culture based upon the simple but mistaken belief that she who dies with the most toys wins. Sadly, this belief with minor cultural differences, has dominated human thinking from time immemorial. Sadder yet, within the pages of Wisdom Literature lies a true and honest alternative that would seriously change our world for the better.

Seditious Proposition:

What's needed is a shift to a matriarchal hierarchy and the desire to follow Lady Wisdom. That would be the Lady Wisdom explicitly found within both the Jewish and Christian sacred scriptures. And the Lady Wisdom that is used as the basis of the description of Jesus  found in the Gospel of John.

Radical Outcome

Culture moves away from unnecessary violence and towards a powerful, all pervasive peace whenever possible. Why you ask would culture shift? Because Masculine Power is the power of Death while Feminine Power is the power of Life.
Historically those men or women who offered the radical cultural shift that would save our world did it through the Feminine Power.
Consider for just a moment how Jesus is portrayed in the bible. Kind, gentle, wise, generous, caring, nurturing, humble and willing to die for the love of others. These are not sentiments usually ascribed to men. Jesus was impregnated with Feminine Power. He tried to teach his followers to follow his path. 
Mores the pity they didn't understand. If they had our present understanding of what makes up an Alpha Male would be radically different.




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