The Monsters Be Real Me Hearties
""Here be dragons" (hic sunt dracones in Latin) means dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons, sea monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps where potential dangers were thought to exist."
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hic sunt dracones |
In case anyone here has been asleep or under a rock for the last four years the monsters I'm referring to are the leaders and their followers who are taking America into a live ammunition Civil War v2. Not since just before Civil War v1 has America been in such a dangerous paradigm.
Trump and his enablers are ramping up the hate and fear. Biden and the Democrats are doing, albeit more subtly, the same thing. Here's just one example:
Civi War v2 doesn't run along the Mason Dixon Line. The new battlefield is created around Red and Blue States and cities. Nor is it between those who believe in slavery and those who don't. It is between the Supremacists backed by the military, police and militias who are the power and the grunts backed by the rebel military, police and militias who want it. These are deadly times.
The only way to avoid Civil War v2 that I can imagine is for a mightily charismatic leader proclaiming peace and unity to burst upon center stage. Admittedly the odds are seriously against this possibility.
Still and all one can hope and pray for Civil War v2 to pass the world by.
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Time is running out |