Strong Pain ~ Pills ~ Thoughts Maybe A Little Out There?
“Talks will not bring solutions. They will bring some clarity. Solution will come only when you take a proper inward step.”
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Something's Out There |
Talking of visions Malcolm X was quite the visionary.
I am no great historical scholar. Neither am I a blind fool. The same horrors that fueled Malcolm X are fueling the nation wide protests and riots consuming America tonight. Is it time to dream about separating. To envision strong vibrant nations. Nations where getting shot seven times in the back because your black doesn't happen. Just saying. Just angry cause this damn conversation never goes away. Nine minutes with a knee choking out your life. Seven shots fired point blank into your back. Seventeen year old wannabe with an Armalite shoots you dead. Was Malcolm X right?
Sometimes dreams are dreams. Other times they take you from here to there and if you're lucky back again. The trick is knowing which is which. Looking into and sometimes through the veil is always interesting. Always dangerous. M'Lady has on occasion brought me back. Don't know where I'd be now if she hadn't. I do know that the darkness I was falling into felt bottomless.
It's getting to be time for a degenerative arthritis pain pill. Considering that I've just had a pot of strong black (perked) coffee to liven my system up it may seem a little odd to pop a pill to mellow out? Not so. It's just that the gods have a nasty sense o humour. M.S. needs uppers. Degenerative Arthritis needs downers. Diabetes needs absolute mental discipline.
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Sometimes screaming or crying helps. Sometimes a long heartfelt stream of vulgarity is the answer. Other times it's laughter. |