This Ain't Salem But The Lessons Of Salem Should Be Remembered


This will not bring the desired results. All this will bring is Civil War v2. Why? Because all this creates are enemies. Nazis versus Antifa. Protesters versus law enforcers. Feds versus State and municipal governments. Shop keepers and big business caught in the middle. Righteous Law Keepers versus scum with badges. This goes to hell in a hand basket. A direct non stop elevator to the darkest depths of a Trumpian Dystopia. But if the lessons of Bloody Sunday are learned there just might be movement in  the right direction.


Claim Your  Turf:

When people watch the nightly news they are bombarded with images of swirling vapours, protesters in homemade riot gear and riot ready law keepers. Within that mix there are Nazis, Antifa, peaceful protesters, righteous law keepers and assorted scummy people. It's time to set yourself and your group apart.

(1) move your protesting to the daytime. When curfew descends go home. Let the world see you and yours as victims not law breaking scum.

(2) Leave the riot gear at home. Be peaceful and powerful. When the law keepers use tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and clubs they lose. You're going to hurt but you are also going to win. The White House will be forced to send in The Guard or the 82nd. Airborne to protect you from the bad boy law keepers

(3) Never Never retaliate. As soon as you do you lose, the Nazis win.


The World is watching and judging


Donna Hall said…
I agree with you but I don't see enough people adopting this strategy.
Would this blog have been needed if people were doing it right already?