Truth Be Told I Was Cute

I tell nothing but truth

 Now I'm not. A generous interpretation would be that now I have a facsimile of character.
No longer cute

Hopefully what I now lack in looks I make up for with brains. No guarantee but I certainly hope so. With that hope held firmly in my heart...

First We Take Manhattan Then We Take Berlin

For those who don't recognize the reference do your mind a favour and check out Leonard Cohen 


Melting Ice

Past The Point Of No Return

Don't worry. Civilization will go on. It's just going to get less and less civilized. There's only so much oil. The worlds fresh water supply is for all intents and purposes finite. So is the food supply. Fact is that only humans seem to come in an inexhaustible supply. Which is why those in the know have labelled the 21st century The Resource War Century. 

Who needs QAnon when there ae so many legitimate conspiracies.



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