Bringing The Old Ways Into The New World

 Peace may only enter when the path has been prepared and the door opened

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington

The Spirit lies within all of us. Sometimes close to the survace. Sometimnes deep within.
The Inner Spirit

 The Village that trained me no longer exists. Certainly people live in the same location but  as a river changes with every second as it flows to the sea so does a community. 

To find the Village that I need is to find the river that flowed to the sea. Not impossible but not so easy. Think of it as a Spirit Quest where you know where you are going but the path is still obscured. Deep prayer and a proper lifestyle will help me to see the path. So will the ancestors who answer my prayers. One more piece of the puzzle is to share the teachings. Before I do you need to understand two things:

 1) The Village accepted that I had the authority to prophetically proclaim from the pulpit and in my life God's word for the Village. They also believed that the best way, perhaps the only way to teach me was to bring me into the teachings as they would a child. One bit at a time.

2) I won't be sharing secret society secrets. Masons don't share and neither do secret societies. I'll only be sharing the teachings that created a good Villager. Teachings that went to the heart and soul of being native.


Back in the day before airplanes and roads, the Village looked after itself. You could drop your wallet and you would get it back with everything in it.

One day people started missing things from their canoes. After a few weeks it was decided to place an armed guard at the beach. 

Things still went missing. They placed more men on guard. They saw nothing till the next walking moon. Coming into the beach was a small canoe.  Something like a man got out.

They waited till he(?) was approaching the other canoes. They yelled a challenge and the intruder ran back to his canoe. They were good shots and only wounded whatever had come to shore. 

Quickly they got into their canoes and gave chase. For hours the intruder paddled on. Wounded or not he paddled with great strength and the villagers couldn't close.  

Eventually the best shot took steady aim and didn't shoot to wound.

The man/beast headed to shore and ran into the bush.

They tracked the beast to where it lay dying. Slowly, painfully the shape changed as the beast died. 

 In  his last moments he took on the shape of a young man who had gone into the mountains. The Village believed that he had died. They were wrong. 

He had learned how to survive alone. But it came at a terrible cost. Without his Village he lost most of his humanity and became a beast.

He had just enough human alive within him to make him miss the village. So he came back and took away reminders of what he had lost.

Here endeth the lesson



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