Day By Day 03/27/2021 ~ This That And The Other Thing

 Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.

 Chopin's Nocturnes are slipping beautifully into my consciousness via a reasonably good set of headphones. M'Lady is trying to give exams and Choco is sleeping. Apparently it is time to get this letter out there.

Easter fast approaches. Our summer is upon us and it is getting hot. Two weeks ago staying warm was the problem. Now it's how to sleep without a sheet or heaven forbid a blanket. The good news is that summer is usually hot and dry. Or at least dryer. Fewer mosquitoes.

Min is doing a superb job in the garden. The raised beds built upon empty rice sacks work a treat. As do the potted veggies. She also found us some Tilapia which will eventually reach the kitchen table. Give it another week or so and there will be homegrown food on the table. 

As you my have noticed these epistles are becoming less frequent. They're likely to continue this trend. Such is life.

Take care, stay safe, wear a mask.




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