It's Frustrating Being Frustrating

Well it's just too bad if they can't take a joke.

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington

The beauty of the garden doesn't dim because of dementia. At least not so far.
The beauty of the garden
 has yet to dim

Back in the day my day off from the ministry was usually a trip down to Minette Bay There was usually a handful of boat owners there who had nothing to do with my ministry. Many a pleasant afternoon was spent in their company.

Graham was one of the boat owners. He was creating a thirty some odd foot trimaran to sail around the world in with his family. But he always had time to help me with whatever I was attempting to get done on my boat. Even then, and that is getting close to forty years ago, my tremors had started. Getting the end of the screw driver into the head of the screw could be a real challenge. I never timed him but I seem to recall it never took too long before Graham's frustration reached overload and he would finish whatever job I had started. 

Eventually we had a talk. I told him that I was sorry he got so frustrated but that it was perhaps just as frustrating for me and maybe even more frustrating because I had to deal with his frustration too. We came to an understanding. When I needed help I'd ask for it and till that time he could enjoy some more of his favorite pepper vodka. 

Time travel time. My tremors are now way worse. I keep some serious meds on hand for when my brain starts hurting from all the shaking my head is doing. There are days when eating finger food is a really good idea because using a spoon or a fork is difficult. Difficult as in I hold the spoon with one hand and that hand with my other hand.

Tremors have little if anything to do with Dementia. But they have a great deal to do with Multiple Sclerosis which I'm also dealing with. Between the two of them both my body and my mind are under constant attack. An attack that is impossible to beat and frustrating as hell to lose.

And as it was with Graham and myself and the boats so it is with M'Lady and myself and our life together. Now don't get me wrong M'Lady always has been and always will be my soul mate. We have always been able to find ways to make our hard times easier.   

But it is just so damn frustrating to be so damn frustrating for her. In time, if we have time, we will work things out. It's what we do. But the hill is steep and slippery. 



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