-This One's For Sarah (Not to worry I only know one Sarah)
When your private reality and your shared reality begin to merge it's time to seriously pay attention to which is which.
The life And Times Of Brian Waddington
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Let The Magic Begin |
I believe that somewhere in the following meanderings there is a story line. A wild and wonderful sci-fi ride. If there is then I offer it hook line and copyright to Sarah. She writes a strange unique sci-fi and this is going to be a strange meandering.
First, a wee bit of history. As a beardless youth I experienced consecutive dreams. Marvelous times in an off world city. Blues and greens dominated the landscape as did the minaretian towers. I wandered for many a night and while the city was not in need of repair nor cleaning there were no people. These dreams only happened once but they have stayed in my memories.
Later when I was able to grow a beard I became a pastor in training in a small Indian village. The name and location will remain a secret. I was shown a new reality. One that included Elders, Totems, a real and active Spirit Realm, Shamanism. To put a word to it; a cornucopia full of an unknown reality. A reality that like my recurring dream has stayed with me.
The older I got, the more my reality diverged from the Anglo Saxon norm I was raised with. As my beard grew longer my reality continued to morph. In time it came to include a poor but honest understanding of Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and one or two other isims.
I removed myself, retired, left my second pastoral charge, for many reasons. Many reasons which included the undeniable truth that my spiritual path no longer matched up at all well with the congregations understanding. Not that their path wasn't an honest and good path, it was. We just didn't match up. Neither did my new and old dreams.
Now my dreams were often dramatic and painful. In many of the dreams I tried to return to a time before. Never once in my dream world did I get there. I would love to hear what a Jungian or Freudian practitioner would have to say about them. In the more intense dreams I would be falling into a dark and so far bottomless pit. I'm convinced that if M'Lady hadn't heard my mutterings and woke me up that I would have died both in the dream world and this world.
Since these dreams began I have worked on keeping in touch with what for want of a better term I'll name my Guardian Angels. The Guardians include Cooper our first and still dearly missed Doberman. I ask them for help when and if my dreams get too intense for me to handle. Calling on Guardian Angels to fight demons works very well. At least for me.
Nowadays I tend to keep my beliefs to myself. Then again if I was to find myself in the company of a Yellow Hat, a village Lepled, or someone who walks the old path that was once found on the coast of B.C. I'd certainly try to open myself up in a way that would allow me to share in their understandings. Ti's to be hoped for but I'll not be holding my breath. So much for the little bit of history. Onto the present
There used to be a very distinct line between this world and the dream world. Now I find myself taking multiple naps which means I'm half way between awake and asleep quite a lot lately. And I'm finding it harder as time goes by to draw a distinct line twixt one and the other. This makes sharing a reality with M'Lady difficult at times. I'm not always sure of what I, we, she has done nor what was shared. Thankfully M'lady knows of my predicament and is cutting me some much needed slack.
I have absolutely no idea of how to find that distinct line that I have lost. Perhaps there is no need to? Is there a way to live within both worlds simultaneously? Time will tell.
Or perhaps Sarah will also see within the meanderings of this old man an interesting story line and she will tell?