What I've Learned ~ For You To Live Something Must Die

Christianity teaches that for humanity to have the chance of life Jesus had to die. It's a common mythological theme. The Saviour dies just before Spring time, is buried and miraculously rises from the dead assuring an abundant life for all. It's a simple fact of our world that for there to be life in abundance, there must be an equally abundant death. In short, your living necessitates something dying.

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington

Christianity teaches that for humanity to have the chance of life Jesus had to die. It's a common mythological theme. The Saviour dies just before Spring time, is buried and miraculously raises from the dead just in time to ensure a good Spring planting. It's a simple fact of our world that for their to be life in abundance there must be an equally abundant death. In Short, your living necessitates something dying.      The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington
Lunch Time

Once you accept this necessity you just may have a small epiphany. Something along the lines of;

My life is dearly bought and paid for. I really need to be the best I can be. 
Just one of life's many lessons that we all need to think on.




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