Life is never black and white unless you do 'group think'

The Life And Times Of  Brian Waddington 

Life is never black and white unless you do 'group think'  The Life And Times Of  Brian Waddington

I suppose I could call this post living and learning up on the roof. Then again maybe I'll just call it up on the roof. I need to first apologize for the sound quality. I did a very short video with a new microphone setup and I thought it was gonna be OK, turns out it's way too much bass and even I who know what I was saying have trouble picking some of the words out. Tomorrow it's back to just talking into the camera.

About halfway through this video, I discuss my feelings, my beliefs, about abortion. I am sure that I will offend just about everybody. I base my beliefs on compassion and I hope wisdom. I do not understand the abortion issue as a black and white yes or no issue. I see an incredible spectrum of greys almost an infinite selection of possibilities.

The bottom line is that I agree with the doctor who was interviewed many years ago. I don't know the fellows name but he emphatically hated abortions. However, if you listen to the whole interview, he goes on to say that regardless of his feelings there will be abortions done. And he wants them done in a hospital. No more back-alley butchers, no thundering hypocritical religious right protesters, none of that stuff! He just wants abortions when they are done, to be done in a hospital.

The video also gives a beautiful view of our yard and a perspective on how tall giant butong is. As well it puts the garden into perspective. The sound is lousy but the videos are getting better. As I say this could be entitled living and learning up on the roof.

I truly hope you enjoy the video tour of the garden. And I hope that as you listen to me express my beliefs on abortion you may consider your own position. You may come to the conclusion that you're right and I'm wrong. So be it. I hope though that we can all agree that compassion, mercy, empathy and a generosity of spirit are more important than any one fanatical group opinion. 



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