Three Times The Fun
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Triple Geek |
Alright, are we dictating? Yes, we are!
Today is a triple geek day. I tried new video techniques, my still shot photography was a lot of fun, I have been plagued with computer technology problems and this all happened within the confines of our garden.
I started the video with the new video software. Eventually I got it looking close to what I wanted it to look like and I exported it. Then came the question of whether or not I could import it to my old video processing program. Turned out that I could. Between both programs I like the way the video is put together. Though I must admit I think I went a little overboard on adjusting the colors. As I say this is a learning experiment, a geeking learning time. Over the next month or so I hope to see a great deal of improvement.
I had trouble with the computer reading one of my external drives. Then I had a problem with my new video program it simply would not connect to my speaker. Eventually after reloading the drivers three or four times it started to work. Then, my speaker decided to absolutely head west. The only way I can describe it is that it started to snore loudly and continuously. Naturally I unplugged it. Didn't do a bit of good, it runs on battery. So, I put it outside until the battery runs out of juice. Now I'm using my Bluetooth headphones. The sound is excellent and I get to dictate through the tiny little speaker in the equipment.
I definitely geeked out in the garden. There is nothing quite as fulfilling, soothing, general all around make me feel good type of thing that I enjoy more than I do our garden. Which is not to say that today the garden was not also a challenge. The water feed into the upper pond had come loose and as the ladies weren't here, I was one that had to put it back where it belonged and tighten it down a bit. This involved climbing over a fence.
Most days I have trouble walking without a cane due to lack of balance so this was a bit of a challenge. I got over it the first time without too much of a problem. But going back I had to step from a higher to a lower part of the garden and I would have fallen over. Sneezes I just found out don't translate well in dictation. But back to the challenge. Rather than climbing over the fence I walked up a bit and decided I would be safer climbing down a bit of a cliff that we in the backyard. I suppose cliff is a little exaggeration. It's only about eight feet high and there are stones that you can sort of semi walk down or climb up. In any case I got down and I wandered out to the garden. Rusty was glad to see me.
That is about it for now folks, I hope you enjoyed the video, I hope, I believe, but I cannot guarantee that they will improve overtime.