It's All About Getting Along

 It isn't about being free: it is about belonging and being useful 

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington

It isn't about being free: it is about belonging and being useful   The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington
Belonging Is Crucial

If you do a web search on how humans developed, on where we came from, you will find that we developed as communal beings.

Our claws weren't the longest, our teeth weren't the sharpest, nor were are muscles the biggest. The only thing we had going for us as a species was our ability to work together.

I have no idea when the belief that we our only truly human, truly alive, truly free, when we have no responsibilities or obligations came about. But I do know that it has been a festering poison wherever it has taken root.

I would suggest to you that we can only be truly human, truly alive and truly free when we accept our place in society and the responsibilities that we have to that society. Enjoy the video.



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