Russia Please Remember Your History
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Russia Please Remember Your History |
Every now and again my blog is accessed by people in Russia. I'm hoping that this posting will be read by those people and by many more people in Russia.
I am also hoping that the people of Russia will look to their history. Look to the Great Patriotic War and the Russian heroes who stayed behind the German lines as they advanced into Mother Russia. These patriots put themselves in the land of Nazi terror. They buried their weapons, quietly took what was handed out and when the time was right, they dug their weapons up and had payback on the Germans.
In 2014 Putin annexed the Crimea. There were a few Crimean's in the newly annexed Ukrainian territory that were happy that Russia had come in and taken over. Many weren't. As with the brave Russians in the Great Patriotic War that stayed behind when the Germans overran their country the Ukrainians also created an underground partisan network. How strong? how effective? I will leave for other people to decide.
However, in the last ten days in the Crimea, a Russian military base used by the air arm of the Baltic fleet came under attack and at least seven warplanes blew up as well as an ammunition dump. Two other ammunition dumps in other parts of the Crimea have also been blown up. The headquarters of the Wagner group came under attack.
The partisans may have been involved. Ukrainian special forces may have been involved. There is even a very slim chance that some of the new weapons that the West has supplied to the Ukraine were used to do the damage that's been inflicted upon the Russian forces.
Now is the time for all Russians to remember their history. Why now? Because even with global warming sometime in the next six to eight weeks winter begins to be felt in the Ukraine. It will take a couple of months but by the time November, December rolls around the Russian troops will have dug in, will be living in trenches and will be trying desperately to keep their toes from falling off in minus 40-degree weather.
Russia remember your history. During WW2 the western allies supplied Russia with many weapons. There were bombers, fighters, tanks, trucks, jeeps, medicines. What you needed and couldn't produce was brought in through the Middle East or through the Arctic.
But and it is a big but, the deadliest weapon was not brought in by the allies. It was brought in by winter. The Germans were not equipped to handle a Russian winter. That simple fact cost them Russia and eventually World War Two.
Your troops have been unable during spring and summer to do in six months what Putin told the world would take 72 hours. That's just a fact folks. I want you to sit down and seriously think about what's going to happen to your sons, your husbands, your wives, your children and anybody else that gets shipped to the Ukraine once winter comes.
Russia and when I say Russia, I mean the people of Russia, you are the only ones who can end this war. Putin and the oligarchs are more interested in the money they're going to make once this is all over than they are in the death of your children, your husbands, your wives.
It is up to you to find a way to convince the powers in your country that it's time to make peace. You cannot win a war that is already lost and this special military operation was lost after the second week of the operation.
Remember your history Russia.