3 Reasons We Enjoy Being in Our Garden

In The Garden
In The Garden

Today didn't go quite as planned. The start wasn't too bad it only took me four takes to get that first video clip. The good thing about that is the very large bumblebee that comes and sits on the flower for just a second or two. The bad news is that by the time I got that first clip the sun had come out and my camera steamed up.

Once I was back inside the house and viewing on the large screen what I had shot with my Sony A68 I could see that it was just not good enough. So, I got out my good wife's hair dryer and blow dried my camera. That may sound a little funny but it worked. The first effort was shot on auto. Then I switched to manual. Manual looked better.

Then when I tried to use the new video processing program either dementia or a serious old man moment reared its ugly head. I couldn't remember how to do a darn thing. I struggled for about half an hour and decided time to move to the easy video processing program. which is why the video is a little rougher than I had hoped for.

Still at all it's better than it used to be and I think it's kind of enjoyable. 


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