Hatred Always leads To Death And Destruction

 Nationalism is NOT patriotism. Believing in your country is not the same as hating 'Others'

Lessons from History


Nationalism is NOT patriotism. Believing in your country is not the same as hating 'Others'  Lessons from History
Hatred And Nationalism Are Traps

America, China, Russia, Italy, Sweden are only a few of the countries that have decided to embrace fascism. Around the world love and trust is being trampled by hate and suspicion. One doesn't have to be a prophet to see where this is leading humanity.

The west has spent tens of billions of dollars attempting to destroy Russia as Russia spends like a drunken sailor trying to destroy the Ukraine.

Jews in America are being targeted by haters of all denominations while Israel commits horror after horror upon Palestinians.

Haters and fear mongers in every time zone are rallying the angry and the oppressed. Mindless violence and lone wolf mass killings are on the upswing. 

Where are the 'People Of Good Will'? 

I don't have the answer. All I know is that the haters and fear mongers have center stage and they are going to take us all down.
It's time for those of us who believe in Justice, Mercy and Humility to come together. 




Anonymous said…
And do what?
Brian said…
First on the list is Justice. Easy enough: equality in the courts, Second comes realizing that Mercy must always impact Justice, Third is Humility. Knowing what we are and equally important knowing what is good for us or bad for us will help us with Mercy and Justice. It's really not complicated.