Does Ukraine Invade Russia ~ Trumpism Is Alive And Going Strong As Is Greed

Most of my adult life I have tried to learn from history and I have studied at the feet of Lady Wisdom. Donna is right when she says that we live in a very dark time.


Most of my adult life I have tried to learn from history and I have studied at the feet of Lady Wisdom. Donna is right when she says that we live in a very dark time.

 Two ongoing situations have focused my mind. The first is the unfolding war is Europe. The second is the stranglehold that Trumpism has on America.    


The experts are proclaiming that Trump is the big loser in the midterms. These are the same experts that proclaimed a mighty red wave. The mighty red wave didn't hit the beach. While it is true that many of Trump's picks got defeated, most of those who lost, lost by one or two percentage. 

Trump still retains power. More importantly the fascism he brings to American politics is getting stronger by the day. This simple fact should terrify anyone living in North America who values freedom. 

Case in point: the American military is working out just how they can mine for precious metals in Canada. America needs what Canada has and America has always been willing to make war to inure peace. How much more a fascist America?

 The European War

Russia has lost the European War that they started. NATO has rebuilt it's military capabilities and expanded. Imperial Russia is slowly but surely being forced back. The only questions are 1) where will Europe stop it's advance and 2) will this war bring peace or merely be the opening salvo of the next war?

I hope but don't believe that Europe will stop at the old Ukranian / Russian border. 

Wars have never brought peace. At best they have brought a pause in hostilities. This war shows no signs of not following historical precedent. 

When the shooting stops Imperial Russia will lick it's wounds, rebuild her military and prepare for the next war. Even if Putin leaves office the unfolding of history will not change. 

 Peace Will Be Declared But Greed Will Flourish

  The dominant human mental state is Greed. Always has been, probably always will be. From time immemorial the individual need to survive has been our driving force. What's good for me is all that matters. 

Greed on a personal, national and international level has always been the power that drives humanity onward to destruction.

In the 21st. Century, Greed will demand Resource Wars. Imperial Russia, China and the faltering American Empire will unleash the dogs of war as they attempt to ensure the needed materials for their survival.

The darkness that Donna sees will only deepen.




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