Pretty Darn Good Even If I Do Say So Myself

Perfection is impossible. But 'Pretty Darn Good' is certainly within the realm of possibility


Time for a little unpacking. Back in the day before digital cameras 'Macro' had a definite definition. Now, the definition is much more fluid. But by any definition click for full size  the above image of a flower that is about 2mm wide is a macro.
Pretty Darn Good

 Time for a little unpacking. Back in the day before digital cameras 'Macro' had a definite definition. Now, the definition is much more fluid. 

But by any definition the above image of a flower that is about 2mm wide is a macro. 

click for full size
I placed it in a stainless steal gravy boat that would not be out of place at any dinner table. The boat is about 5cm wide.

I shoot with a Sony Alpha a68 connected to a Tamron 90mm 272E macro lens. Don't feel bad if you've never heard of them. Neither is still in production.

So, where does this unpacking lead us to? Simply put, this macro image is as good a macro as I'm capable of creating with my gear and skill set. I'm sure there are other photographers who could create a finer image. But, for me? This is pretty darn good!




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