I've Been A Naughty Old Man
I got tired of the struggle and fell back into bad habits
The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington
A few years back I decided to do as M'Lady was asking. So, off to the hospital. Naturally they drew blood. The nurse came back with a doctor. Straightaway the doc told me I was diabetic with a blood sugar count of 350. Normal is around 100.
I spent about a week in hospital: Tubes and needles time. Thankfully it was only type 2. They also diagnosed me with hyper tension and arthritis. All three were a marvelous addition to my M.S! I returned home with a new eating regime plus a ton of pills.
I have taken my pills religiously. Cakes, candies, cookies, pies and all sugary treats have not passed my lips. However, good food can still be lethal if the quantities aren't right.
Yesterday my blood sugar was 118 and my scales stopped at 193.
Today my blood sugar is 81. I'm back in the fight. I shall drop thirty pounds. I will control my blood sugar.