I Believe That A Garden Can Teach You All You Need To Know About Living Righteously

 But a garden can only teach when you are ready to learn.


Take time to get acquainted with a garden in your neighborhood. Listen to it. Learn from it. Find the truth that will set you free.

 There have been times in my life when I have had the opportunity to be taught by people steeped in the Wisdom found within our Mother. In other times and places I could delve into the wisdom of the ages found within various religious and philosophical traditions.

This has allowed me to see the difference between what we need to learn to be Righteous and what the oppressors try to make us believe we need to learn to be good little fill in your own noun.   

So, here's my suggestion:

Take time to get acquainted with a garden in your neighborhood. Listen to it. Learn from it. Find the truth that will set you free.





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