Do We Have To Fear 'Others'?


I am going to suggest a very un woke and politically incorrect idea.

As long as we think of 'Us versus Others' only people who look and think the same can possibly live together.

From our most primitive ancestors until 2023 we have been programmed to consider differences as dangerous. 

As long as there was space in this world to move away from Others, these differences were not crucial.  However, now that every continent except the Antarctic is starting to get cheek to jowl full of people, the differences are becoming crucial.

{Might I suggest that now is a good time to consider living separately.  I know I am politically incorrect and un woke but there you have it.}  

If we are genetically and socially programmed to not get along with Others then the closer we live to Others the greater will be the violence.  

The more crowded the situation, the more limited the resources, the more fanatical the leaders, the greater the violence.

There are only three possible solution: (1) move apart (2) overcome our genetic and social programing (3) eliminate all others.

Personally I prefer solution 2 though I fear 3 the more likely solution to be implemented.



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