Judaism ~ Christianity ~ Islam Are Constantly At War Against The Feminine Power Of Creation

 Since the Destruction Of the Temple @70 C.E. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have had a constant war against the Feminine Divinity. 


Since the Destruction Of the Temple @70 C.E. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have had a constant war against the Feminine Divinity.   History

Until the three great monotheistic faiths find a way to bring the Divine Feminine back into the hearts of their faithful and into their synagogues, churches and mosques the world will continue to live in the evil that unchecked  warrior masculinity demands.

World wide pollution, greed, hunger, war, crime, domestic violence and all the other evils of our world would over a few generations greatly diminish if Judaism, Christianity and Islam walked away from the Warrior God they now worship and returned to the Fertility God  that they all once worshipped. 



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