Humanity caused global warming but this Moth pays the price

 Which is why I worry more about my finned, feathered, four legged and wee beasties brothers and sisters than I do about humanity.

Which is why I worry more about my finned, feathered, four legged and wee beasties brothers and sisters than I do about humanity.

 I challenge you to find me a human whose life doesn't center around carbon-based fuels and products. From the Indians in Canada to the executives of Shell Oil, to the Bushman in Australia everyone everywhere uses carbon-based fuels and products. 

We may tell our governments to find ways to cut back the production and consumption of carbon but then we go out and buy a charcoal barbecue or a new or used car or even a vintage motorcycle. We're all guilty and we deserve the pain that's coming.

But, this Moth never burned a drop of gas or cooked over charcoal. Yet she pays the price just as we do. You would have had to have been living under a really big rock with no wi-fi to not have heard about how Canada is burning coast to coast to coast. 

Millions of acres up in smoke. Thousands driven from their homes. But I've yet to see a news report on how many dear were roasted alive. Though it is fairly obvious that if you burn the habitat, you burn the critters that live in the habitat. 

So, the next time you shed a tear for the humans that are struggling through droughts, floods, fires, hurricanes and all the other nasty stuff associated with global warming how about shedding a tear for the critters?



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