I Am Going Softly And Gently Into The Night

 Softly and gently? Certainly! As the man said 'I've lived a life that's full, travelled each and every byway.' And for how many years I've been preparing for this transition. 

The Life Of Brian

Softly and gently? Certainly! As the man said 'I've lived a life that's full, travelled each and every byway.' And for how many years I've been preparing for this adventure.   The Life Of Brian
Softly and Gently
Whatever faith you follow, if it is based in Love and you have tried to follow the teachings, you have no reason to fear death. And the teachings are simple:
Do justice, offer mercy, walk humbly with your God and your Neighbors. 



leanow said…
That is a gorgeous shot Brian.
Brian said…
Thanks Leanne, your monochrome madness challenge is a constant reminder to practice my B&W skills.

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