HI Is Not Consistent But Power Politics Certainly Is


So, explain to me why when Russia cuts off water, electricity, fuel etc. with an embargo they are a Terrorist State but when Israel does the same thing there is no EU condemnation of Israel as a Terrorist State. And The US blocks an UN resolution that would have helped relief convoys enter Palestine.

Could AI really be
less consistent in the
application of justice
and compassion than HI?
The Green Man


Bruce said…
Possibly because Russia was not subject to a terrorist attack that killed non combatant men, women and children and didn’t have around 200 of it citizens taken as hostages. In fact Russia was the instigator in their conflict with Ukraine.

In the Hammad/Israel conflict Hammas was the instigator, killing non combatant men women and children and taking about 200 hostages.

Not condoning any kind of violence towards non combatants but surely you see the not so subtle difference between Russian and Israel?
Actually, I don't. History does not start on October 7, 2023. I would suggest that the Israeli / Palestinian War of 1947/8 has never stopped.

From day 1 the State of Israel has with terrorism and traditional warfare expanded what were the original borders of the New Israel.

For 17 years they have laid siege to the remnants of Palestine. Making sure that just enough supplies got through the border to keep the Palestinians' just one meal away from starvation.

Today Israel is holding hundreds of Palestinian men women and children in prison as hostages.

You are also forgetting your history, pre WW2 the Ukraine was a part of Imperial Russia. Then it was a part of the Soviet Union. It was only with the collapse of the Soviet Union that it became an independent nation.

Which is not to say that Russia was justified. Just as I will not say that Israel was justified.

Occupation breeds rebellion. The Ukrainians rebelled against the Soviet Union. Russia applied terrorist tactics. The Palestinians' rebelled against Israel many times and always Israel always answers with Terrorism.

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