Are You Willing To Slaughter Children For An Accidental Mouthpiece?
"Difference of religion! A strange expression, as if one were to speak of different kinds of morality. There may indeed be different historical forms of belief,—that is to say, the various means which have been used in the course of time to promote religion,—but they are mere subjects of learned investigation, and do not really lie within the sphere of religion. In the same way there are many religious works—the Zendavesta, Veda, Koran etc.—but there is only one religion, binding for all men and for all times. These books are each no more than the accidental mouthpiece of religion, and may be different according to differences in time and place." Kant; Perpetual Peace
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Pandora's Box |
As a rule, 57 and up had more money, their kids dressed better and had more expensive hobbies. It was an organic divide with a few, though not many crossovers.
Canada being Canada very few of the below 57th crowd made it to university or moved out of the class we were born into. Such is the way not only of Canada but of the world.
The web was going to remove the 'class system'. Everyone would have access to unlimited information and opportunities. The great equalizer of the 20th Century.
Half a century later... the class system is more imbedded than ever. You know the rant, the rich are richer, the poor are poorer, the divide between the two is ever widening etc. etc. etc..
Pandora's Box was opened and out popped not only unlimited knowledge but video games, Facebook, X, Trumpism, Hatred, Bigotry and an apparently unlimited way to refine the horrors of yesteryear.
We don't seem to have learned the lesson that blessings and curses are forever and always opposite sides of the same coin.
Consider the humble apple. For some it has come to symbolize the forbidden fruit. Some time ago there was a particularly holy woman who felt that the apple had gotten a bad rap, so she had a talk with God. She agreed and then and there wrote out the recipe for a very tasty and mildly strong apple wine.
The holy one was pleased but as God was preparing to leave, She turned around and reminded the old woman that like all blessings, this new blessing laid upon the apple would extract a terrible price if it was abused. The same morality play could be written about computers and the web.
Before the computer there was another invention that was going to save the world, the printing press. If memory serves the first book to be printed was the Christian Bible. Undoubtedly the sacred scriptures of Jews and Muslims were also printed out.
Suddenly three great monotheistic religions were able to spread their understanding of how to serve the God of Love. What could go wrong? Pretty much everything.
The Sword of Righteousness became the Blade of Damnation. Crusades, Holy Wars, Jihads and just good old-fashioned colonization. Each and every one done in the name of the God of Love. Apparently, this little morality play never ends.
The Green Man