I Reach Out In Hope Because Of What Butterflies Have Taught Me.

 "Butterflies are the ultimate example of how much beauty may come from change."

The Life And Times of The Green Man 

"Butterflies are the ultimate example of how much beauty may come from change."  The Life And Times of The Green Man

Do you know that many beautiful butterflies begin life resembling nothing quite so much as a small bit of excrement? It's true, they do. Next in the life cycle they become what is called in the Philippines 'a worm'. Some are beautiful but truth be told many are simply ugly. But then comes the last and greatest transformation. 

They wrap themselves in silk and they transform from a multi legged eating machine into a delicate butterfly.

Humanity has long known of the power within transformation. Schools transform children into citizens. Sports teach us to place the good of others at a level equal to or even above our own. How often have you heard the expression 'taking one for the team'? Eventually our countries try to turn us into killing machines with an age-appropriate draft.

 Humans are malleable. With the right conditions we can be transformed into any number of things. Any number of things includes saints. Or to use an Eastern term, a Buddha.

This one simple truth is the well that quenches my thirst. If Hamas and Zionists can create killers then Palestinians and Jews can create within their population's legions of warriors' willing to die for but not kill for justice, mercy and humility.

Ghandi did it for the Indians. Who will step forward to do it for the Palestinians and the Jews? I don't know, but I do hope and pray that someone somewhere hears the call of Allah / Yahweh, hears and answers.

The Green Man 


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