Some Of Us Are Total Saints ~ Others Are Purely Demonic ~ Most Of Us Fight The Fight Every Day

 If you read the handed down memories of what Jesus taught, you will be struck by the fact that he was remembered as a rabbi who was always trying to get people to make the right choices! (The Green Man)
Every day the choice must be made!
The Universe cares about exactly one thing. Your moral and ethical choices. If enough of us make the right choices, life goes on. If enough of us make the wrong choices the Universe will, as she has done in the past, tear everything down and start again.

Of course, I may be totally wrong but when I read Wisdom Literature that's the story I find repeated again and again. 

Your choices as both an individual and as part of the group create the world we live in. You get to choose every day whether you live on the side of the angels or on the side of the demons.

If you're not a person who follows a Faith that comes with a Book of Rules you have your conscience. Your quiet inner voice that will either approve or condemn you on your choices. 

For all our sakes I pray we all start to make better choices.

The Green Man




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