Start With Sisiutl Add A Dash Of The Celtic Whip In A Large Dollop Of Buddhism And Tom's Your Uncle

 Truth is always wrapped up in the local culture. Only the layers change. The Truth remains. (The Green Man) 
Truth is always wrapped up in the local culture. Only the layers change. The Truth remains. (The Green Man)
Long after the first woman looked up at the stars or over the vastness of the ocean and yet, still a very very long time ago, people began to understand the power of the Spirit Realm. 

People expressed this in many ways: my favorite western way is found in the following Latin expression;

mysterium tremendum et fascinans

Loosely translated it refers to the Sacred that both attracts thorough Love and repels through Fear and Awe.

My favorite Native understanding is found in Sisiutl, the two headed sea serpent. If you can conquer Sisiutl you will receive great power. If he conquers, you get turned inside out plus your joints are tied up in knots. At least that's the story I was told.

You can find the same warning in the mysticism of most faiths. Which is why my digital art image combines many traditions and many layers of the same Truth. 

The Green Man 




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