World Domination Is Never Everlasting But With A Long enough Memory And Timeline It Will Repeat

Unbeknownst to many in the West there was a time, not so long ago when China was the penultimate Imperial Power. She had the world's most powerful navy, extensive trade routes on land and sea, poetry and philosophy to equal any in the world.


Unbeknownst to many in the West there was a time, not so long ago when China was the penultimate Imperial Power. She had the world's most powerful navy, extensive trade routes on land and sea, poetry and philosophy to equal any in the world.

"Ming Dynasty Trade

Taizu was succeeded by his 15-year-old grandson, but one of Taizu’s sons, Chengzu, ignited a civil war to take the throne.

From 1405 to 1433, Chengzu launched ambitious flotillas to expand the Chinese tribute system to other countries, sending ships to India, the Persian Gulf and the east coast of Africa, pre-dating European efforts of similar scope.

By 1557, the tribute system was replaced by maritime trade which saw China exporting silk and allowing a European presence in the empire. This was a time of expansion of cuisine, as food like sweet potatoes and peanuts entered China for the first time.

The period also brought about significant emigration outside of the empire for the merchant class."
I do believe that the powers that be in China are attempting to once again create a China that is at least the equal to other wannabe world empires. I'm thinking of The European Union, Russia and the United States of America. 

Only time will tell if they succeed.  But succeed or fail the effort certainly makes for an interesting time to live in. 

The Green Man


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