I follow the Goddess

 Over the years my understanding of how things work has changed. It could be said that I've found and discarded many an archetype. Perhaps I have simply outgrown some understandings. You could even say that I've lost my faith. Whichever way you see it, I'm glad to be where I am on my journey.

Over the years my understanding of how things work has changed. It could be said that I've found and discarded many an archetype. Perhaps I have simply outgrown some understandings. You could even say that I've lost my faith. Whichever way you see it, I'm glad to be where I am on my journey.
Nothing wrong with a gentle, kind, loving sort of Goddess with a wicked sense of humour.

I have no need of a policeman in the sky nor a vengeful old man on a throne. I do have a need of someone who can guide me along the path that meanders through the Valley of Love and Peace.
Thus there are three things that endure:

 faith, hope, and love,

 and the greatest of these is love.

The Green Man


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