Rule 1: Never Put An Image Smack Dead Center In the Frame

This be the exception that tests the rule.

It is certainly true that it is usually best to follow the rules. At least from a modern Christian perspective. Why else would they be told to render unto Ceaser and to go to the temple an make the appropriate offerings.?  But there comes a time in most people's lives where they must choose between blind obedience and morally justified disobedience.  I would only point out that before you can justifiably break the rules you must have a genuine understanding of the rules.
Do you understand the rules?

 It is certainly true that it is usually best to follow the rules. At least from a modern Christian perspective. Why else would they be told to render unto Ceaser and to go to the temple and make the appropriate offerings?

But there comes a time in most people's lives when they must choose between blind obedience and morally justified disobedience.

I would only point out that before you can justifiably break the rules you must have a genuine understanding of the rules.

The Green Man     



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