Sensual Pleasures In The Garden

 Sensual satisfactions at 70+ with a regular diet of serious pain killers are few and far between. 

Tomatoes, squash, green beans, snake gourds, and a few veggies I'm not sure of the name of, all caught my eye. It was a good time in the garden. Sunshine warming my old body, scents to please the nose, colors to please the eyes and the feel of good soil on my skin. A truly pleasing way to spend a few hours away from the computer.
Sensual pleasures of the garden variety

Today I spent some time transplanting veggies, feeding the geese and fish, harvesting greens, admiring the ripening veggies and playing with the dogs.

Tomatoes, squash, green beans, snake gourds, and a few veggies I'm not sure of the name of, all caught my eye. It was a good time in the garden. Sunshine warming my old body, scents to please the nose, colors to please the eyes and the feel of good soil on my skin. A truly pleasing way to spend a few hours away from the computer.    

 The Green Man


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