Random Thoughts From The Patio

My balance is off and my energy is low so I thought I'd put together a video. It's about the garden and whatever random thoughts came my way. 

It has been a whils since I've done this. Here's hoping I didn't slur too much or offend too many.

I say here's hoping because my memory has taken a nap and side from talking about the garden and how the drought is affecting us, I'm not all that sure what is in the video.  I am relatively certain that I was G Rated in my language. I'm also sure that whatever I said about how we need to get along and promote life and love versus hate and death will offend some people.   Now here's a random thought that just came to me; I have more visits from China than I do from my place of birth or my adopted country. So, here's a shout out to my readership in China.   Brian
Hanging Out

I say here's hoping because my memory has taken a nap and aside from talking about the garden and how the drought is affecting us, I'm not all that sure what is in the video.

I am relatively certain that I was G Rated in my language. I'm also sure that whatever I said about how we need to get along and promote life and love versus hate and death will offend some people. 

Now here's a random thought that just came to me; I have more visits from China than I do from my place of birth or my adopted country. So, here's a shout out to my readership in China. 



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