Bilbo's Lesson: Beware The Nearby Dragon

 Another way to put it is 'Can we talk about the elephant in the room?'

Another way to put it is 'Can we talk about the elephant in the room?'     For about 150 years the nearby Dragon was an Imperial Lion. During the Opium Wars Hong Kong became a British Colony. Time moves on and in a legal, political move that is far beyond my abilities to explain, the Lion is replaced by the Dragon.  Lions and Dragons have many points in common. Not the least of is their belief that they get to make the rules that others must live by.  Such a belief is in and of itself not harmful. Indeed, every country in the world that others recognize to be free live by that rule.   Problems only arise when the people don't believe that the Lion or the Dragon have the right to make the rules.   Back in 1989 a group of people who felt that their Dragon didn't have the right to make the rules gathered one night to express their beliefs. The Dragon may not have had the right to make the rules, but it certainly had the power. Many citizens died that night.  I'm not sure why Lions and Dragons are such bad learners. But they most assuredly are. So, let me restate an obvious law of nature.  When the ruling powers make laws that seriously offend the populace, eventually there will be Rebellion of one sort or another.   My prayer, for all people in all places is that they find a way to live in peace and sustainable harmony and that their path to this way of life be one of harmony rather than violence. In particular I'm remembering the people of Hong Kong as I write this blog.   Brian
Beware The Nearby Dragon

 For about 150 years the nearby Dragon was an Imperial Lion. During the Opium Wars Hong Kong became a British Colony. Time moves on and in a legal, political move that is far beyond my abilities to explain, the Lion is replaced by the Dragon.

Lions and Dragons have many points in common. Not the least of is their belief that they get to make the rules that others must live by.

Such a belief is in and of itself not harmful. Indeed, every country in the world that others recognize as free live by that rule. 

Problems only arise when the people don't believe that the Lion or the Dragon have the right to make the rules. 

Back in 1989 a group of people who felt that their Dragon didn't have the right to make the rules gathered one night to express their beliefs. The Dragon may not have had the right to make the rules, but it certainly had the power. Many citizens died that night.

I'm not sure why Lions and Dragons are such bad learners. But they most assuredly are. So, let me restate an obvious law of nature.

When the ruling powers make laws that seriously offend the populace, eventually there will be Rebellion of one sort or another. 

My prayer, for all people in all places is that they find a way to live in peace and sustainable harmony and that their path to this way of life be one of harmony rather than violence. In particular I'm remembering the people of Hong Kong as I write this blog. 



  香港警務處國家安全處今日 (五月二十八日) 於全港多區,包括大欖女懲教所採取執法行動,拘捕五名女子及一名男子(共六人),年齡介乎三十七歲至六十五歲,涉嫌違反《維護國家安全條例》下第24條 「煽動意圖的相關罪行」。






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