The Image Is The Essence Not The Physical Reality

 Which is not to say that we don't have a Doberman and a yapper, two tilapia ponds and a productive vegetable patch. We do! And it is a little messy. It's just not so Rockwellian. 

Which is not to say that we don't have a Doberman and a yapper, two tilapia ponds and a productive vegetable patch. We do! And it is a little messy. It's just not so Rockwellian.    We live as much within the Essence as we do within the physical reality.    Garden. As of today, our garden is betwixt and between. The cucumbers, winged beans, snake beans, tomatoes, peppers, and spinach are all giving way to the new planting. Translation, there's not much fresh from the garden right now. If the rainy season becomes active things will dramatically change but for now the drought lingers on. Tilapia. With a fair bit of water management, we have kept both ponds healthy. So healthy that we needed to thin the numbers out. That was a week or two of good eating for both families. I suppopse here's as good a place as any to mention that both ponds have good sized Box Turtles living in them. There's at least one pair in the lower pond and a bachelor or maiden in the upper. Sexing turtles is above my pay grade!   Geese.  All nine members of the wedge are doing nicely. The old dame is once again laying. Just not as many eggs and not quite as big, as when she was in her prime. Her Gander, who was once the Alpha has been usurped. He's not happy but he still tags along with the gaggle.   Neighbor. The church beside our compound has found a new pastor who is willing to live at the back of the church. Therefore, we have a new neighbor. The family seems to be nice enough. If things work out, she should be here for at least 2 years. If they don't? Maybe 2 months. Time will tell. All I really know is that she doesn't need an old, retired pastor telling her, her business. So, its 'good fences make good neighbors' time.  And that is about it for news from the home front.  Brian
We live as much within the Essence as we do within the physical reality. 


As of today, our garden is betwixt and between. The cucumbers, winged beans, snake beans, tomatoes, peppers, and spinach are all giving way to the new planting. Translation, there's not much fresh from the garden right now. If the rainy season becomes active things will dramatically change but for now the drought lingers on.


With a fair bit of water management, we have kept both ponds healthy. So healthy that we needed to thin the numbers out. That was a week or two of good eating for both families. I suppopse here's as good a place as any to mention that both ponds have good sized Box Turtles living in them. There's at least one pair in the lower pond and a bachelor or maiden in the upper. Sexing turtles is above my pay grade!


All nine members of the wedge are doing nicely. The old dame is once again laying. Just not as many eggs and not quite as big, as when she was in her prime. Her Gander, who was once the Alpha has been usurped. He's not happy but he still tags along with the gaggle. 


The church beside our compound has found a new pastor who is willing to live at the back of the church. Therefore, we have a new neighbor. The family seems to be nice enough. If things work out, she should be here for at least 2 years. If they don't? Maybe 2 months. Time will tell. All I really know is that she doesn't need an old, retired pastor telling her, her business. So, its 'good fences make good neighbors' time.

And that is about it for news from the home front.



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