Wingene And Her Family Help To Keep Me In Touch With Reality

 When we first met Wingene she was about the same age as her children are now. 

When we first met Wingene she was about the same age as her children are now.       To put things in perspective: It would be another two years after we met that Facebook came on-line. Cell phones were a rarity. We were the first people on the mountain with a car. Children walked to school. People still made Tuba (homemade coconut wine). Conch shells were still used by some as a phone. In short, it was a different world.  Over the years, a misspent youth and old age have taken their due toll. Nowadays, I spend my time shuffling around our garden with two canes or riding around it on my electric scooter. When I'm not in the garden I'm either napping, sleeping, eating or at my work station.  This gives me a unique and wickedly unbalanced view of the world. I see the big picture, but I'm blind to the local details. Which is where Wingene and her family come to the rescue.   What she posts to FB fills in the details. I get to see in real time just how much our surroundings have changed. This is where the Humility that I keep going on about is created.   And it's this humility that has shown me just how unjust my in your face opinions can be, and has helped me to stay away from what was way too much political commentary.   So for now I'll continue to follow Mark Twain's path and see where it will lead me.  Outlier.
Her children in town.

To put things in perspective: It would be another two years after we met that Facebook came on-line. Cell phones were a rarity. We were the first people on the mountain with a car. Children walked to school. People still made Tuba (homemade coconut wine). Conch shells were still used by some as a phone. In short, it was a different world.

Over the years, a misspent youth and old age have taken their due toll. Nowadays, I spend my time shuffling around our garden with two canes or riding around it on my electric scooter. When I'm not in the garden I'm either napping, sleeping, eating or at my work station. 

This gives me a unique and wickedly unbalanced view of the world. I see the big picture, but I'm blind to the local details. Which is where Wingene and her family come to the rescue. 

What she posts to FB fills in the details. I get to see in real time just how much our surroundings have changed. This is where the Humility that I keep going on about is created. 

And it's this humility that has shown me just how unjust my in your face opinions can be, and has helped me to stay away from what was way too much political commentary. 

So for now I'll continue to follow Mark Twain's path and see where it will lead me.

