Hell Of A Headline From The Vancouver Sun

 "B.C. Climate News: Monday was Earth's hottest day on record | One-third of Jasper torched by wildfire | Vancouver rolls back climate work, allows natural gas for new construction

Weekly roundup of local and international climate change news for the week of July 22 to July 28, 2024.


Hell has arrived and Vancouver celebrates by rolling back Anti Global Warming Measures. Makes sense to me!


"B.C. Climate News: Monday was Earth's hottest day on record | One-third of Jasper torched by wildfire | Vancouver rolls back climate work, allows natural gas for new construction Weekly roundup of local and international climate change news for the week of July 22 to July 28, 2024.  Author of the article:Tiffany Crawford Published Jul 27, 2024  •  9 minute read"(The Vancouver Sun) ________________________    Hell has arrived and Vancouver celebrates by rolling back Anti Global Warming Measures. Makes sense to me!     Arrakis? Earth?  Vancouver and some First Nations prove my point. People are people. When the choice is their children's future or the parent's present-day wallet the choice is more times than not, today's wallet.   Vancouver has rolled back climate change action by allowing natural gas for new construction and in Kitimat the Haisla are profiting from a natural gas exportation scheme that uses Haisla land.   Meanwhile the Earth is starting to boil due in no small part to the burning of carbon-based fuels. Carbon based as in natural gas from fracking and tar sand from Athabasca, Alberta Canada. South of the 49th. it's no better. Trump and his cult want to Drill Baby Drill. Europe and Asia? no better. Conclusion Our Mother is in a lot of trouble. She may decide that Humans have become useless in the overall scheme. If she does... So, once again I'll suggest that we all live by doing justice, offering mercy, and walking humbly. Now more than ever justice, mercy and humility must extend to all living creatures and our Mother.  Bringer of the Gentle Wind
Arrakis? Earth?

Vancouver and some First Nations prove my point. People are people. When the choice is their children's future or the parent's present-day wallet the choice is more times than not, today's wallet.
