No Trust No Peace

November 18, 2024

November 18, 2024      Hi, the following quote from Kant's  'Perpetual Peace A Philosophical Sketch' explains why Zionist led and enabled Israel is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinian people and why Iran is attempting to wage the same style of war against Israel.  “6.—“No state at war with another shall countenance such modes of hostility as would make mutual confidence impossible in a subsequent state of peace: such are the employment of assassins (percussores) or of poisoners (venefici), breaches of capitulation, the instigating and making use of treachery (perduellio) in the hostile state.”  These are dishonourable stratagems. For some kind of confidence in the disposition of the enemy must exist even in the midst of war, as otherwise peace could not be concluded, and the hostilities would pass into a war of extermination (bellum internecinum). War, however, is only our wretched expedient of asserting a right by force, an expedient adopted in the state of nature, where no court of justice exists which could settle the matter in dispute. In circumstances like these, neither of the two parties can be called an unjust enemy, because this form of speech presupposes a legal decision: the issue of the conflict—just as in the case of the so-called judgments of God—decides on which side right is. Between states, however, no punitive war (bellum punitivum) is thinkable, because between them a relation of superior and inferior does not exist. Whence it follows that a war of extermination, where the process of annihilation would strike both parties at once and all right as well, would bring about perpetual peace only in the great graveyard of the human race. Such a war then, and therefore also the use of all means which lead to it, must be absolutely forbidden. That the methods just mentioned do inevitably lead to this result is obvious from the fact that these infernal arts, already vile in themselves, on coming into use, are not long confined to the sphere of war. Take, for example, the use of spies (uti exploratoribus). Here only the dishonesty of others is made use of; but vices such as these, when once encouraged, cannot in the nature of things be stamped out and would be carried over into the state of peace, where their presence would be utterly destructive to the purpose of that state.”  ___________________________  Like many people, it was only after October 7 that I slowly but surely educated myself about the never ending Zionist / Palestinian War.  I long ago ceased playing the blame game and began to explore possible peace solutions. Unsurprisingly, I have not found a way to peace in the Middle East. Which puts me on par with the greatest powers and diplomats of the last 75 years.  I have however found a truth that needs acknowledging. Where there is no Trust, there can be no Peace. Which means that unless or until someone finds a way to create trust in the Middle East, no one will be able to create peace.   Brian

Hi, the following quote from Kant's  'Perpetual Peace A Philosophical Sketch' explains why Zionist led and enabled Israel is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinian people and why Iran is attempting to wage the same style of war against Israel.

“6.—“No state at war with another shall countenance such modes of hostility as would make mutual confidence impossible in a subsequent state of peace: such are the employment of assassins (percussores) or of poisoners (venefici), breaches of capitulation, the instigating and making use of treachery (perduellio) in the hostile state.”

These are dishonourable stratagems. For some kind of confidence in the disposition of the enemy must exist even in the midst of war, as otherwise peace could not be concluded, and the hostilities would pass into a war of extermination (bellum internecinum). War, however, is only our wretched expedient of asserting a right by force, an expedient adopted in the state of nature, where no court of justice exists which could settle the matter in dispute. In circumstances like these, neither of the two parties can be called an unjust enemy, because this form of speech presupposes a legal decision: the issue of the conflict—just as in the case of the so-called judgments of God—decides on which side right is. Between states, however, no punitive war (bellum punitivum) is thinkable, because between them a relation of superior and inferior does not exist. Whence it follows that a war of extermination, where the process of annihilation would strike both parties at once and all right as well, would bring about perpetual peace only in the great graveyard of the human race. Such a war then, and therefore also the use of all means which lead to it, must be absolutely forbidden. That the methods just mentioned do inevitably lead to this result is obvious from the fact that these infernal arts, already vile in themselves, on coming into use, are not long confined to the sphere of war. Take, for example, the use of spies (uti exploratoribus). Here only the dishonesty of others is made use of; but vices such as these, when once encouraged, cannot in the nature of things be stamped out and would be carried over into the state of peace, where their presence would be utterly destructive to the purpose of that state.”


Like many people, it was only after October 7 that I slowly but surely educated myself about the never ending Zionist / Palestinian War.

I long ago ceased playing the blame game and began to explore possible peace solutions. Unsurprisingly, I have not found a way to peace in the Middle East. Which puts me on par with the greatest powers and diplomats of the last 75 years.

I have however found a truth that needs acknowledging. Where there is no Trust, there can be no Peace. Which means that unless or until someone finds a way to create trust in the Middle East, no one will be able to create peace. 



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