Sitting High Up And Far Back In The Cheap Seats

 November 20, 2024,

Hi one and all, sitting high up and far back means I miss some of the minutiae, but I see the big picture superbly!

November 20, 2024,  Hi one and all, sitting high up and far back means I miss some of the minutiae, but I see the big picture superbly!    The 'Big Picture.'  As the wise old woman was often heard to mutter as she watched the young people frothing at the mouth, 'they can't see the forest for the trees.' She knew that what was needed to fix things was the right perspective.  Putin and the leaders of NATO aren't killing people to restore the Russian Empire or to free Ukraine. They are at war to gain the food security and mineral wealth that control of Ukraine brings to the winner of this Resource War.  Israelis and Palestinians aren't dying for the homeland. They are dying because the powers that be want control of the oil and the Suez Canal. In other words, the Middle East is embroiled in just one more Resource War. And if what is needed is the total destruction of the Palestinian people... so be it!  The bottom line is as simple as it is ugly and sad. The true 1 %'s are using the 99% to build the world that suits the 1 %. The Proles, and if you don't realize it yet, you and I are Proles, are just exceptionally expendable cannon fodder.  Time to wake up and peacefully rise up! Brian

The 'Big Picture.' 

As the wise old woman was often heard to mutter as she watched the young people frothing at the mouth, 'they can't see the forest for the trees.' She knew that what was needed to fix things was the right perspective.

Putin and the leaders of NATO aren't killing people to restore the Russian Empire or to free Ukraine. They are at war to gain the food security and mineral wealth that control of Ukraine brings to the winner of this Resource War.

Israelis and Palestinians aren't dying for the homeland. They are dying because the powers that be want control of the oil and the Suez Canal. In other words, the Middle East is embroiled in just one more Resource War. And if what is needed is the total destruction of the Palestinian people... so be it!

The bottom line is as simple as it is ugly and sad. The true 1 %'s are using the 99% to build the world that suits the 1 %. The Proles, and if you don't realize it yet, you and I are Proles, are just exceptionally expendable cannon fodder.

Time to wake up and peacefully rise up!



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