Doing A Wee Bit Of Soul Searching

an mage: an old Caucasian sitting in an easy chair. He has long white hair and a short white beard. He is wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Floating above and infront of him are his ancestors, Lady Wisdom, and Quan Yin and his middle-aged short white hair, Asian wife. hey are in a conversation.
A wee chat

December 15, 2024,

Hi friends and family,

About six months ago, I found myself becoming more and more uncomfortable with this blog, and I was becoming depressed. Most of my time was being spent consuming the never ending revelation of just how horrible people can and do treat each other when their leaders unleash the restraints that allow people to live together in more or less harmony. 

I did the wisest thing I could think of. I started a conversation with Quan Yin. Later the conversation expanded to include, my ancestors and M'Lady. The conversation always came back around to the same point: start concentrating on and writing about the good! Which I did 

The results were good and not so good. Good because I wasn't as depressed. Not so good because most users of the web are addicted to conflict, pain and suffering and these now had very little space in my blog. Translation, I was feeling better, but my readership shrank dramatically.

Today I had a look at my stats. Total numbers are still down, but the number of countries where my blog is read has returned to my pre change numbers.


I can't solve the world's problems. The simple truth is that there will always be wars and rumours of wars. We will always have the poor and the rich. We will always have suffering.

But just because this is the way it is, don't for a minute think that I or anyone else should just throw up our hands and drug ourselves into oblivion.

I plan on refining my writing and blogging skills by concentrating on the joy our garden brings to my spirit as often and as well as I can. I certainly won't cure cancer or have the nukes dismantled, but I just might make someone's burden a little lighter and their spirit a little happier.

Brian j
