We Find It Works Best When We Are Stewards Rather Than Dominators

 December 18, 2024

Hi family and friends, back when I was a pastor, I became more and more uncomfortable with the idea that we have 'Dominion' over the Earth. I'm a lot more comfortable with the idea that we are meant to be Stewards. 

In Genesis, and feel free to look it up, the word translated as dominion gives humans the absolute power, of an absolute divinely appointed by G-d, King or Queen.

I really don't think that idea has worked out so well. Do You?

This Definition Was Supplied By Gemini (Google)

"A steward of the land is someone who takes responsibility for the care and protection of the environment. This involves:

Sustainable Practices: Using the land in ways that minimize environmental impact, such as:
Conservation: Protecting natural resources like water, soil, and biodiversity.
Regeneration: Restoring degraded ecosystems and improving soil health.
Sustainable Agriculture: Employing farming methods that are environmentally friendly and support long-term productivity.

Responsible Use: Utilizing the land's resources wisely and efficiently, avoiding waste and pollution.

Long-Term Vision: Recognizing that the land is a shared resource and ensuring its health for future generations.

Essentially, a steward of the land sees themselves as caretakers, not just owners, of the environment. They understand that their actions have consequences and strive to make choices that benefit both themselves and the planet.

This concept applies to individuals, communities, and organizations alike." 
Imagine if you will just how different the world we live in would be if the above definition had been
 the essence of how we lived in and with our Mother!

Marriage or Life in general: Living in and with rather than attempting to dominate is a good choice. 



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