Friends Family Enemies and Ancestors Have Helped To Shape Our New Years Feast

 December 31, 2024,

Friends, family and enemies may the coming year provide you with food, salt, friendship, love and peace with your neighbours. 

The Influencers 

When I was a young, bulletproof fool, New Year's Eve was a party till I'd puke and pass out time of the year. After 30+ years with M'Lady, a lot of help from my lifelong friends and listening to the wisdom of my ancestors, the New Year's Feast has taken on a new meaning and a very different style of celebration. 

Sober and clean is the new cornerstone of the Feast. Moderation in food and coffee builds upon the base. Sharing with M'Lady emotionally, physically and spiritually has become the overarching cathedral that brings the old and new year into focus. 
Prayer, laughter and love naturally well up and flow out to embrace friends, family and enemies. 

In short, the celebration of the New Year's Hopes And Dreams has become a time of reaching out with Justice, Mercy and Humility in the belief that it will touch and comfort our friends, families and enemies. 

Brian & M'Lady

 PS: yes, I noted that M'Lady is not underlined. Perhaps it is because of the script? It is not intentional.

