Breakfast Chats Can Be Wide Ranging At Our Table

 January 9, 2025,

Friends, family, our breakfast chats are often eclectic!

4.5 Billion Years From Now.

  • I was sitting at the table contemplating one of the boulders just beyond our patio. In particular, about how long it would take the roots of the plants growing on it to reduce it to sand. Which was when M'Lady asked what I was thinking.
  • Her question led to a consideration of the immense time spans found in geology and astronomy. 
  • Which naturally progressed to a discussion about the upcoming collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies. (4.5 billion years in the future and requiring an additional 4 billion years to complete)
  • From there to a conversation about an old friend she met while paying our electric bill. 
  • This led to a discussion about the ever-changing child care system in the Philippines.
  • Naturally, this included the shifting pay scale for household help.
  •  Which led rather nicely into a discussion about how to tell a rich country from a poor country. 
  • FYI, minimum wage in British Columbia Canada, per day based on an eight-hour work day is roughly equivalent to a 10 hour a day, six day a week minimum wage in Manila for one month. 
And that was only breakfast. One of the strengths of our marriage is that we are both eclectic and enjoy a good conversation once we have had our breakfast coffee. We have yet to solve any of the world's problems but we certainly enjoy exploring them.



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