Garden Fresh Bananas Are Worth The Wait And Effort

 Give or take, a year ago we all decided that it was time to expand our banana production. 

Bananas are technically a herb

 So, we transplanted some baby bananas that we had growing and bought one or two others. Then it was just a question of cultivating the plants and waiting. A few days back, we began eating the first of our own bananas. Min took some home, we gave some to our neighbour, and we are enjoying them too.

We're hoping that over the next year our plants will fully mature. When that happens, each plant should give us three harvests. As we have five vines, we could have 600 bananas a year to share between our families. I find that appealing.

Then, as an expat Canadian, I get an added bonus. The absolute wonderment of harvesting bananas in January and February while my friends and family back in Canada are trying to stay warm. 

Also on the home front, our baby Box turtles in the lower pond are growing apace. Soon enough, they will begin to hide in the bushes during daylight hours. I've grown attached to them, so I'll miss them, but their survival depends upon stealth, so it's all for the good. 

We also are enjoying a fine crop of cherry tomatoes, while the transplanted green onions are bursting forth and adding to the flavour of our soups and hot dogs.

We're still waiting for production to resume in the sweet peppers we cut back, but the chilli peppers are in full production. Next week I should be able to make more hot sauce. 

And unless I'm mistaken, that does it for this little letter.



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