Regardless Of Colour, Location Or Faith, People Are People ~ Where Wind And Tide Take My Thoughts ~ The View From The Cheap Seats


an old Scot single hadedly sailing a sloop rigged dory in heavy fog. Monochromatic. New Digital Art

Where Wind And Tide Take My Thoughts ~ The View From The Cheap Seats

'It looks like he's done it again'! 'Whose done what'? 'Paul (name changed)... cut the water line'. It wasn't a long walk to where the PVC water line had been cut through by Paul's bolo. He cut it because he was both angry and cowardly. Angry cowards are not unique to the Philippines. 

Today, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ran a story about some angry cowards in the waters between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 


the headline from CBC news electronic version describing the cut fiber cable between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
People are people.

Bell doesn't know who or why. I don't know who. I do know why! Whoever did this did it because it was the safest way they could think of to hurt something or someone that had stood up to their bullying.

They did what Paul did and what every bully does when called out. They retreat into the shadows, and then they lash out. Whether the bully lives in a safe house run by a Mexican drug cartel, the American Whitehouse run by the N.W.O. Oligarchs, or a bamboo hovel in the Philippines doesn't matter. Bullies are bullies worldwide, and they all run to form. Lash out at those who stand up to you, but only from the shadows.

The other side of the coin is also true. Honesty, integrity, nobility are not dependent upon birth, colour, location, or faith. The good may also be found wherever people gather. 



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